Mid-Atlantic Shared Services Consortium (MASSC)

In the spirit of the “NCI’s Roadmap” the Mid-Atlantic Shared Services Consortium (MASSC) was established to provide our researchers with easy, reciprocal access to the specialized, technical services, equipment and expertise available at the 4 participating institutions.

Each institution provides investigators at consortium member institutions the same pricing researchers at their home institution pay.

This Shared Services consortium is a demonstration of good financial stewardship and collaborative science in action.

3 member institutions manager their cores via the iLab platform. Extending this reciprocal access to our investigators via iLab is just one more means of enhancing the impact of this consortium.

Member Institutions:

  • Georgetown University Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center
  • Johns Hopkins Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center
  • University of Maryland Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center
  • University of Virginia Cancer Center

Currently, Georgetown's cores are not managed via the iLab platform but they can be accessed here

Members at Mid-Atlantic Shared Services Consortium

Core Name Primary Contact Email Phone Number/Ext
Non-iLab, JHU SKCCC Core Facilities

This is a listing of SKCCC Cores which have not yet implemented iLab.   As these cores implement the iLab management program they will move from this listing to the cores active in iLabs.

Erika Weaver eweave10@jhmi.edu
SKCCC Analytical Pharmacology Core

Operates under Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) and provides expertise in pharmacological trial design, bioanalytical method development and implementation, isolation and identification of drug metabolites, protein binding studies, pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modeling, and data interpretation.

Jan H. Beumer, PharmD, PhD, DABT Jan.Beumer@jhu.edu
SKCCC Animal Resources

Provides husbandry, veterinary care, research support and research consultation for the University.  See web site at https://researchanimalresources.jhu.edu/

Sherrie Hawkes shawkes1@jhmi.edu 410-955-2075
SKCCC Experimental and Computational Genomics Core

We support investigators as they integrate sophisticated genomic experiments and bioinformatics analyses into their work. Services include microarray, next generation sequencing, bioinformatics analysis, and genomics/bioinformatics educational courses and workshops. 

Lauren Ciotti ECGC@jh.edu
SKCCC IRAT Core (Image Response Assessment Team)

Consultation and guidance on the proper choice, design and use of radiological imaging studies in clinical trials. Expert reviews of clinical protocols to assure that the radiological imaging protocol and analysis plans are appropriate for the chosen task.

Jeffrey Leal jleal1@jhmi.edu 410 502-3273
SKCCC Immune Monitoring Core (formerly Human Immunology)

The Immune Monitoring Core provides services (Luminex/ELISpot/Fluorospot) to evaluate immune responses (function and frequency) for clinical and preclinical studies.  Competency/proficiency assessment, technical and QA review provides high quality reproducible reports/data to investigators.

Christopher Thoburn cthoburn@jhmi.edu 410 955-8568
SKCCC Cell Imaging Facility

The Cell Imaging Core Facilities provides cell imaging technologies, including light and fluorescence microscopy, stereo and confocal microscopy, infrared imaging, time lapse, and laser microdissection. Images can be acquired using a variety of cameras and analyzed with analysis software programs.

Lillian Dasko-Vincent ldaskov1@jhmi.edu 410-614-4414
SKCCC Common Equipment & New Project Steering Committee

Provides access to various pieces of shared equipment within CRBI, CRBII and Bond Street complex.  Equipment includes; autoclaves, film processors, real-time PCR, Cyro Storage and Liquid N2 Facility for individual cryo units.

Erika Weaver eweave10@jhmi.edu 410-502-9544
SKCCC Experimental Irradiator Core

Provides radiation services for in vitro and vivo experiments. Services include training in the operation radiation machines, advice to users on the design, dosimetry and best machine for their application, operating the machines when necessary, and maintenance and repair of the resources.

Esteban Velarde evelard2@jhmi.edu 410-502-1459
SKCCC Mass Cytometry Technology Development Center

Flow cytometry and high-speed cell sorting (up to 15-color), multiplex biomarker measurement, and quantitative digital droplet PCR services and instrumentation.  Expert consultation in experimental design, troubleshooting, and training; contract research. Highly experienced staff. CLIA-certified. 

Xuan Yuan yuanxu@jhmi.edu 443-287-6081

University of Virginia

Core Name Primary Contact Email Phone Number/Ext
Advanced Microscopy Facility Sijie Hao pfa2xb@virginia.edu 434-924-2524
BioNMR Facility
Biomarker and Neuroimaging Core Ewa Kubicka emk6d@uvahealth.org 4349826565
Biomolecular Analysis Facility
Biorepository and Tissue Research Facility (BTRF) Pat Pramoonjago, PhD pp6f@virginia.edu 434-982-0487
Flow Cytometry Core Facility FCCF Core Email UVA-FlowCytometry@virginia.edu
Genetically Engineered Murine Model (GEMM) Core
Metabolomics Lipidomics Shared Resource Todd Fox tfox@virginia.edu 434-297-6516
MolMart Jessica Snow jlc6y@virginia.edu 434 924 9211
Molecular Electron Microscopy Core Michael Purdy mpurdy@virginia.edu 434.243.4904
Molecular Imaging Core Maurits Jansen vtf5vq@virginia.edu
Office of Research Core Administration Ewa Kubicka emk6d@hscmail.mcc.virginia.edu 434-982-6565
SOM Clinical Research Unit (CRU)
Core Name Primary Contact Email Phone Number/Ext
Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Shared Service (UMGCCBIOSTATS)

State-of-the-art statistical science, expert statistical analysis and sound statistical reporting

Susan Holt sholt@som.umaryland.edu (410) 706-8505
Confocal Microscopy Core (CMC)

Equipment and expertise to assist investigators in applying advanced fluorescence microscopy techniques to their research.

Joseph Mauban, PhD jmauban@som.umaryland.edu 410-706-6170
Core for Translational Research in Imaging (CTRIM)

State-of-the-art technology for animal imaging at the molecular, cellular and systemic level. Services for in-vivo and ex-vivo cross-sectional and functional imaging using MRI, MR-g-FUS, PET, and CT.

Jiachen Zhuo jzhuo@som.umaryland.edu 410-706-2697
Electron Microscopy Core Imaging Facility (EMC)

Transmission Electron Microscope, Scanning Electron Microscope, SEM CryoTransfer & amp; Chamber, High Pressure Freezer, Freeze Substitution System, Grid Plunger, Cryo Ultramicrotome, Gatan 626 cryo holder

Christine Brantner cbrantner@umaryland.edu 410-706-7992
Flow Cytometry Core (FCC)

Sample acquisition on three analytical flow cytometers, expert data analysis, experimental planning and consultation and perform cell sorting on two high speed cell sorters.

Xiaoxuan Fan Ph.D XiaoxuanFan@som.umaryland.edu 410-706-2173
Mass Spectrometry Center (MS)

Strives to accelerate discovery by providing investigators, on campus and beyond, access to cutting-edge technologies in mass spectrometry. Expetise from basic biology and medicine to technology development and translational research

Maureen A. Kane mkane@rx.umaryland.edu 410-706-5097
Pathology Biorepository Shared Resources (PBSR)

Provides the collection of high quality banked patient samples while maintaining patient confidentiality. PBSS also provides pathology, histology, & histotechnology consultation services to assist principal investigators in the procurement, analyses, & clinicopathologic correlation of human tissue

Kimberly Clark, H.T. (ASCP) kimberly.clark@som.umaryland.edu 410-706-2174
Translational Laboratory Shared Resources (TLSR)

Pre-clinical and clinical experimental support to basic researchers and physicians. We work in areas across the entire spectrum: cell biology, in vitro, in vivo and human trials.

Rena Lapidus, PhD RLapidus@som.umaryland.edu 410-328-8092